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Fiber Art, Textile Art, Art Quilts, Landscape Art, Original Designs

Monday, October 28, 2013


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SweetErGallery said...

I absolutely am enamored by your art quilts! I FEEL them. They are enthralling and captivating! Gorgeous gorgeous work!

SweetErGallery said...

If you don't mind me asking, I would love to make art quilts similar to this style, only with my own designs. Where did you learn to make quilts like this? I'm new to it and am looking for direction where I could go to bring my own visions into reality which seems to be closely in line with what you are creating. The style of it.

Noreen said...

Mrs Art Doll Maker,

I didn't "learn" to make these. They've evolved. They are simple to do. Just collage bits of fabric on a background, sandwich the quilt top like you would any quilt (top/batting/backing) and raw edge applique all the pieces down. Bead a little, embellish, bind it and you are done.